Write Your Heart Out: Ways to Promote Literacy Development in Fun and Easy Going

When was the last time your child drew on the walls? How about you? If you happen to
find your child doing this encourage it but with large paper instead of the wall of course,
as it helps support their fine motor muscles and supports their drawing both vertically
and horizontally. Most of all, it is encouraging their emergent literacy skills! A bonus with
using large paper on the wall is that they have ample enough space to draw to their
heart’s desire.

However, reading and writing doesn’t even need paper or the wall for that matter.

Here are the following top 10 ways to support literacy development for children
age 0 through 8.

Photo by Tatiana Syrikova on Pexels.com

● Take notice and wonder about signs and labels throughout your day. We are
surrounded by signs. Most often, children will tell you what they mean. Ask and
wonder by saying: “hmmm, I wonder what that red octagon is?” Or play a game
of eye spy with signs!
● Play and sing rhyming songs, the sillier the better! Children will love it!! Rhyme
their name and change letters and sounds.
● Make a sound wall as you spell out the silly sounds.
● Make up stories from your brain in sequential order with a beginning, middle and
end. Invite special storytellers from Grandparents to Authors.
● Make prop boxes as children retell and reenact their favorite stories.
● Get sticks and sand or even use dirt. Draw images and letters. Don’t push letters
until children show interest. Remember it’s much more than the Abcs! Check out
that book here:
● Write down a child’s story that they tell you. Children can also illustrate it.
Remember images become words as we read them. Or in reverse: a child will
draw a picture and have them tell its story.
● Read the book: Max’s Words and inspire children to start their own word
collection by looking through magazines and newspapers.
● Use the window to draw and write
● Use the sidewalk (chalk) or even paintbrushes and water as children draw and
write their stories.
● Bonus: Play movement games from freeze dance to clapping games such as Ms.
Mary Mack. **In fact, listen to music and change the lyrics.

Most of all, have fun and be present throughout the literacy process. It’s serious and
hard work but doesn’t have to be when it’s fun and playful.

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